Patboy Platform will exclusively offer Players HOT Prizes which they can exclusively Win on our platform from their Favourite Fantasy Models! All Prizes are inspected and handled by Patboy and then offered was rewards in the Patboy Game for Players to Win!
Each Prize comes with a story which captures something special about Fantasy Model. They could be rare items, personal belongings or in some cases reel meetups. Prizes are only offered once and must have an emotional value for the Fantasy Model. All Prizes are inspected and handled carefully by Patboy before handing out. Real collector items you could say.
Because…he is
No..pokemons are just nist prizes to give away:)
As soon as Patboy has collected sufficient Prizes for the Patboy Game to launch, a copy will be offered in appstore and IOS for players to take a look at the Fantasy Babes and all the prizes they can win for free!
The creator of Patboy Platform is producer.gio. Former Internet Entrepreneur, real estate investor and never ending fantasy game enthusiast! He is sole investor of the project and building the platform on private equity.